Electronic creation conference

On Saturday, March 20, a Conference will be held with the guests: Ricardo dal Farra, Rodrigo Sigal and Ricardo Mandolini, at 15:30 PM (GMT -4) on the CEMBolivia´s Facebook page.
Mozart Concerto for Piano and Orchestra

Concerto del 18 settembre 2020 presso Villa Vecelli Cavriani, Mozzecane, Verona:W.A. Mozart, Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n. 23 in La maggiore, K.488, adagioaccompagnato dalla Master Orchestra, Solista: Daniel Alvarez Veizaga, direttore M° Sergio Baietta.
Composition Award

On July 29, 2020, the winning works of the «Creative Ideas» call of the Cultural Foundation of the Central Bank of Bolivia were announced.
Electroacoustic Music Concert «Electronic»

On Saturday March 27th, “Electrónica – Thinking music from the soul” will take place with the composers: Gastón Arce Sejas, Bruno Petricio, Oscar Kellemberger and Javier Tapia. Where the premiere of the work “Estudio Marciano” by Daniel Alvarez Veizaga based on the sounds sent by NASA’s Perseverance Rover that landed on Mars in February 2021 […]
Composition workshop

Daniel Alvarez Veizaga along with the experts: Gabriel Revollo, Eduardo Álvarez and Juan Carlos Hiza, were invited as teachers to give a Master Class within the framework of the “Bolivian Oriental Folklore Music and Lyrics Creation Workshop” that is held between February 7 to March 25. Participants: Ariel Jorge MamaniMiguel Ángel SeñoranisJuan Mauricio Loza SegalesGabriel […]